Valiyaparamba backwater

Located 30 km from Bekal, Valiyaparamba in Kasaragod district of Kerala, is perhaps the most scenic backwater stretch in the state. Fed by four rivers and dotted with numerous little islands.

Thaikkadappuram Beach

Beach near nileshwar of kasaragod district, is famous for olive riddle turtile. The beach is the breeding ground of these remarkable creatures who visit every monsoon season to lay eggs. Ideal time to visit is from September to January.

Kanvatheertha Beach

Largest swimming beach of kasaragod, situated in manjeswar north border of kerala. Its vast beach is picture perfect to simply sit down, soak in the sun and have a delightful picnic.

Kappil Beach

It is famous for its seclusion and rightly so. Large spaces of pristine sand and a divine water body in front with no other disturbance whatsoever is something people seek in growing numbers these days. Among the finest and cleanest beaches in God’s Own Country, this is a destination perfect for those who seek solitude and a place to face their own selves in peace.

Azhithala Beach

The beach having its unique attraction. Azhithala is a place where River mouths the Sea. Calm and secluded, beach is scattered with casuarina trees and is an ideal place for relaxation and long walks,

Pallikkara beach

Locatd in the south and north side of bekal fort in kasaragod district.pallikara beach is the longest beach in kerala and it has a very large parking with the long view of bekal fort.