Yoga & Naturopathy treatments

General Yoga & Yoga Therapy

This traditional system which is known for its spiritual aims has now been identified for its therapeutic applications too. The modern world is aware that most of the physical ailments are due to the stress that uproots at the mental level. Hence treatment requires working at all these levels. Yoga as a science does this through various techniques namely asana, pranayama, kriya, meditation etc.

Shadkriyas: The shatkarmas are six (or more) preliminary purifications described in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and later texts. Their purpose is to remove “gross impurities”, cure a range of diseases, and prepare the body for pranayama, trapping the breath so as to force the vital energy prana into the central subhuman channel, allowing kundalini to rise, and so to attain moksha, liberation

Jala Chikilsa (Hydro Therapy) :This is a mode of treatment that uses water in all forms (ice, water and steam) at different temperatures (cold, hot, neutral) to get the desired therapeutic benefits. The different methods of employing hydrotherapy include baths like hip bath, spinal bath, immersion bath, arm and foot bath, steam bath etc, packs and compresses. This therapy brings about different physiological changes that include analgesic, expectorant, relaxant and eliminative effects. Its influence in improving circulation to the applied part is excellent which is inferred with the increased efficiency of the internal organs.

Pruthvi Chikilsa (Mud Therapy) :The use of clay to treat diseases is prevailing from ages. The modern form of this therapy uses mud collected, from a non-polluted and non-contaminated area which is then dried, powdered, and sieved. The paste made out of it is applied to the whole body or to particular parts as required. The application may be made directly on the body or applied as packs by means of wrapping it in a cotton cloth. Mud due to its ability to retain moisture for a longer duration can help in reducing swelling and pain It also brings pronounced circulatory and eliminative effects.